Rival Week Dress Up Days


Photo Courtesy of: Cypress Creek Yearbook

In honor of rival week, every year dress up days are made to encourage school spirit. This week the Cypress Creek Cougars face the Cypress Fair Bobcats at Pridgeon  stadium on Saturday, proving for quite the interesting game for fans and players. To support your fellow cougars, participate in these dress up days and show school spirit!


Monday (10/12)

Blast the Bobcats back to the moon! (wear space themed clothes)


Tuesday (10/13)

Give the Bobcats the boot (wear country apparel)


Wednesday (10/14)

Be wacky! ( wear wacky clothes and style your hair in weird ways)


Thursday (10/15)

Bounty hunt the Bobcats (wear hunting gear or camo clothes)


Friday (10/16)

Black out the Bobcats (wear all black)