The 411 on CFISD COVID-19 Rapid Testing

“Coronavirus test concept” by wuestenigel is licensed under CC BY 2.0
During a pandemic, it is essential to stay safe. If you ever feel symptoms of COVID-19, it is important to get tested to ensure you aren’t sick and don’t spread it to others. Testing can be expensive and hard to find but luckily our district is now offering free COVID-19 rapid testing for students and staff. Here is a 411 on CFISD COVID-19 rapid testing.
When and Where is Testing?
The testing site is at Old Windfern High School, located at 12630 Windfern Rd. Houston, TX. Parking for testing is available on the Bobcat Rd. side of the building. When you arrive, wait in line in front of the double doors on the socially distanced spots. If it is busy and crowded, wait in your vehicle until a spot is available. Testing is available from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Monday through Friday.
What Test is Used?
CFISD is using BinaxNOW tests. The tests are carried out by collecting specimens from the front area of the nostril using a nasal swab. The test results come back within 15 minutes, and are highly accurate, with an accuracy rate of 97-98%.
Who is Testing Available For?
The test is available to CFISD students and staff who are showing COVID-19 symptoms. The test is not designed for asymptomatic individuals who have been in close contacts with an individual who tested positive.
How Do I Get Tested?
In order to get tested, you must make an appointment. You can click here to do so. Each student must have their own appointment time; multiple students in one family must have their own appointment time. To get tested, you must have a form of CFISD identification, your birthdate, school name, and a HIPPA form, which is available at the testing site.
Where Will The Testing Information Go?
After being tested, the employee or parents and students will receive their results. The information will also be shared with the district and local health department for public health reporting purposes and contact tracing to help determine how long an individual who tested positive will have to quarantine. The Texas Department of State Health Services will collect the number of positive cases per school, as required by law.
What Do I Do After I Get My Results?
After you get your results, whether positive or negative, contact your school and tell them about your results. If you are negative and they give you the green light, you’re good to go. If you test positive, your school will walk you through a process and give you a return date.
In a time like this, staying healthy and cautious is essential. Make sure to wash your hands, wear your masks, and social distance. Stay safe!