Play your cards right

Welcome to Game Club

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Photo by: Darian Reese

Club members gather around to discuss club activities

The group of friends gathered around each other as they brought out a card game from a beloved cartoon onto the table. Proudly displaying its brand, the bright and colorful cards unfolded themselves as the members of Game Club excitedly picked their characters in this role playing game (RPG). Moments later, laughter filled the air as the group relaxed and acted naturally. With open arms members including senior Sarah “Rose” Lindauer and President senior Corbin Parmenter welcome any and all students with this inviting aura.

“We accept anyone here,” Lindauer said. “It’s a place where you can have fun and let loose, and there’s not really [any] big requirements for it. There’s no club dues or anything like that that make it difficult to commit. You just come whenever you can, and it’s real fun.”

Game Club helps in relieving stress within its members, and helps everyone connect with its interactive and friendly environment. The club does not take pride in its competitiveness but rather in its laid-back attitude.

“I think it helps people meet new people and come out of their shell,” Parmenter said. “Basically for people who are socially awkward, it gets you [more] comfortable with people.”

Meeting Monday after school with biology teacher Mrs. Bryson in room 1255 and Fridays with culinary teacher Mr. Smith in room 1549, the club not only indulges in simple yet entertaining card and board games but plans its future events as well. Researching about suicide prevention programs and charities for depression, the club plans on attending events for these causes to raise donation money during late first semester.

“I think it gives people a social outlet for stress relief,” Bryson said. “It’s not all about school; it’s more about working with people with common interests. No matter who you are, you can find an outlet in here.”

Game Club regularly meets outside of school during breaks or weekends. This only builds a stronger connection with the members as they play to their heart’s’ content for hours on end.

“I’ve made a lot of really close friends in this club,” Lindauer said. “They kinda helped me become a better person, because they’re so welcoming and friendly. It made me realize that there’s a world outside of theater, you know?”