The first mock election

More by Libby Sullivan
Libby Sullivan

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His Last Stand
April 1, 2017

Photo by: Libby Sullivan

Students participate in the presidential mock election

The first presidential mock election, hosted by the journalism department, will occur Tuesday Nov. 8 during all lunches.

The journalism department urges students to partake in the educational experience and learn the importance of voting. Senior and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook Jordan DeNike will lead the mock election.

“It’s crucial to teach the students the importance of voting, because they are going to be the ones running the country in ten years,” Denike said.

Cy Creek remains the only high school hosting a mock election in the district. DeNike says the election offers students an inside look into what voting entails.

“Students being able to participate in the mock election, even if they aren’t 18, sh

ows them how important it is to vote when they are 18,” DeNike said. “We are choosing the leader of our country and the youth needs to know that their opinion matters and their opinion is what is going to be the fate of our country.”

During all lunches, students will vote in a mock voting booth with a laptop and Texas ballot on a google document. Students and staff will receive results after all lunches have ended.

“This is a good opportunity for the school because students and teachers get an insight on the thoughts of their peers,” DeNike said. “It will be fun to see how the results turn out.”

Be sure to vote in the presidential mock election
Be sure to vote in the presidential mock election (Photo by: Libby Sullivan)