Teaching Abroad in China

Former Cheer Coach Allison Marz decided to teach abroad in China.


photo courtesy of: Allison Marz

New experiences, new food, new culture, new school; an inside look into the new life of Allison Marz and her move to China. Recently one of Creeks most beloved teachers and cheer coach made the brave decision to accept a new teaching job in China. She uprooted her life and took it halfway across the world to begin anew.

“I have that “new teacher” feeling again since I am new to international teaching,” Marz said. “That feeling helps me grow as an educator and personally.”

Continuous adjustment, and not just to culture required Marz to adapt to the differences she experienced when arriving in China. An opportunity too great to pass up, presented itself and with the support of Cy Creek students and staff, the decision to recreate her life was finalized.  However, this incredible opportunity did not come without a price. In the end she remained grateful because in doing so, she had the ability to focus on matters of importance.

“I also really enjoy learning about the Chinese culture like going to the Great Wall,” Marz said. “Trying new foods, and learning from people who have traveled all around the world.”

Marz made several sacrifices in order to adjust to the differences in China. However, she used the long commute productively to catch up on work and episodes of the bachelor. Both the school in China and Cy Creek are strikingly alike, regardless of cultural differences.

“Students all over the world really have the same educational goals regardless of location,” Marz said. “So in that way teaching in both places is similar.”

Marz does not go unmissed, especially by the cheer team she coached as one of her former cheerleaders, Sydney Henderson, made clear. She said Marz was the person she would always go to talk to when she needed it.

“I think [the] job opportunity was such a good experience to go live in a foreign country for like two year.” Henderson said. “The pay is really good and she’s just out there living her life. She’s just getting experience and having a good time.”