Snacks for the movies

Story by: Jimmy Pacheco, Sports Editor

Watching a movie without any snacks disappoints many people especially when the prices raise some eyebrows in the movie theaters. Start by buying the best snacks, food or whatever floats the boat from the store and sneak them inside underneath a hoodie or place them inside pockets. Here are some of the best goodies to bring to a theater.


  • Candy


Instead of spending $50 for a candy bar at the theater, buy candy from the local store and save money. Besides, the selection they have at the registers stinks.

  1. Bottle soda

Using a hoodie in this part will certainly help. $10 for one large cup of soda? Yeah, not gonna happen around here. Bring soda to suit drinking needs.

  1. Fast food

The prices may have been exaggerated a bit, but solid food at the theaters costs more than full entrees at Olive Garden. Okay, exaggeration again, but in all honestly, bring chicken nuggets or tacos to calm the tummy. Besides, movies without food? Not going to happen.

  1. Donut holes

Instead of buying round donuts that might trash the plans, donut holes may be they way to go. Small, round, sweet and the best way to go. Only downfall to this, donut shops close very early for nighttime movies.

  1. Popcorn

Make popcorn before the movies. Popcorn comes in many different flavors from kettle corn to extra butter. It will also cost a lot less considering the prices in the theaters. Moral of the story, always bring snacks from home.